Getting on Track – Practical Self-hypnosis

Self-Hypnosis for Developing Peace, Clarity, and Inner Purpose – A Course at The Learning Center at Red Willow

Beginning on the Chinese New Year, this six-week program will help you learn practical and powerful tools to calm your mind and set clear intentions into motion in your life.  In the Chinese calendar, this is the year of the Sheep, whose primary and fundamental energy is peace and harmonious co-existence. 

We will begin with learning how to conscously shift towards a peaceful place within you with self-hypnosis techniques.  Very similar to the experience of meditation, self-hypnosis allows you to bring an intentionality into your inner life.  We will then combine practices from somatic awareness and compassionate communication to deepen your awareness of what brings deeper harmony and meaning into your life. 

Using intentional self-hypnosis tools, we will build a practice of deepening self-connection and peacefulness, and moving with more clarity towards how you want to live your life.  There will be in-class guided and practice experiences as well as homework (home play!) for sustaining a self-awareness practice.

Thursdays, February 19 – March 26 – 12:00-1:00 PM

$60.00 for a 6-week series – Sliding scale is available.  For more information, please call Red Williow: (406) 721-0033

Register Online At Red Willow Center.